The colour of the makeup you choose to wear should be based on the complexion of your skin and the colour of your eyes.
So it's rather good news because with our lenses you can do almost anything!
Here are our colour tips:
With blue eyes or lenses: The colours of gold, copper and bronze are best for blue eyes. Blue also pairs nicely with different shades of gray.
Celestial -ocean/ Temptress - ocean / Sunset - ocean
- With brown eyes or lenses: The brown of your eyes may be dark or they may be light as hazelnut, both allow you to use all the golden tints as well as the wildest greens and shades of plum.
With green eyes or lenses: A hint of burgundy, a complementary colour to green, will sublimate your eyes just like all the shades of purple (Amethyst, indigo, aubergine, Parma, wine ...)

With purple lenses, and yes our lenses are also available in lilac: Pink colours, as they are pastels, will be perfect to magnify the purple of your iris, just like skin tones. But black in smokey eyes will also stand out.
Charm - lilac / Ethereal - lilac / Crystalline - lilac
Do not hesitate to give free rein to your creativity, just make sure that your blush and your lipstick have the same note!You are an addict of eyeshadow, what are your favorite colours? And what is the colour of your eyes?
If you wear our lenses do not forget to insert before you start putting on makeup, it will prevent makeup particles sticking on them!